ZangiefBot 1.0

Neutral Defense and Reactions

ZangiefBot is a very advanced bot for some characters, and a moderate or even easy bot for other characters. For simplicity, we have listed him as ‘Advanced’, but don’t be surprised if you find this bot to be very easy to deal with if you are playing certain characters. We have left more ‘options’ than usual in his later Actions so that players who understand some ‘bot theory’ can customize him to be more effective for their training. Most of this bot’s purpose revolves around reacting correctly to things and getting some difficult whiff punishes, and getting around the problem of the Zangief CPU at higher levels ‘reading your actions and reacting with the minimum possible frames to do his Spinning PileDriver’, grabbing players out of options that would be very difficult for most actual opponents to consistently do. For most players, using most characters, this is mainly a matchup-focused bot.

This bot is relatively easy to input, except its last two Actions, which can be changed to be simpler things, if it helps you (or more complex things, if you’re very good with ‘bot theory’). Since most of its goals and points are based around understanding of ranges, and reactions, it’s also fairly lenient, if the inputs are not perfect, and it doesn’t change too much when input by the same player multiple times, so it’s probably not worth any effort to ‘re-record’ Actions consistently unless you feel that you’ve definitely not entered the inputs very well. We’ve included some extra information about the lengths of inputs, but this is moreso guidance, because the types of inputs the bot uses don’t make it obvious based on any ‘sequences you should expect’.

This bot benefits from having multiple FirstFrame inputs, but because many of them are simple in terms of which other buttons need to be pressed and the timings for those, it is good to use the standard trick to getting FirstFrame inputs every time. In order to hit the first frame input in Action #4 for example set your HP+HK input on a button that does not interface with the in game menus (usually L2 on the Playstation controller). This should let you hold this button before you record. When you set your recording to ‘Start: On Input’ if you hold these buttons this will cause the game to register the HP+HK input as FirstFrame. There is usually enough time between the transition from the recording menu and the start of the recording to press whatever direction you want (in this case 6.) There is a slight flaw in this method compared to the equivalent method in our SFV bots. If you continue too quickly with the input, the game can take quite a while from transitioning from the recording menu to starting the recording and ignore/drop the next parts of the input, so some players may not want to use this method.

Gauge Settings

As with all bots Vitality Gauge P1 should be set to “100%”, and Vitality Recovery Settings P1 should be set to “Standard”. Drive Gauge P1 should be set to “6”, and Drive Gauge Recovery Settings P1 should be set to “Standard”. SA Gauge P1 should be set to “0” , and SA Gauge Recovery Settings P1 should be set to “Standard”.

Vitality Gauge P2 should be set to “100%”, and Vitality Recovery Settings P2 should be set to “Refill”. Drive Gauge P2 should be set to “6”, and Drive Gauge Recovery Settings P2 should be set to “Standard”. SA Gauge P2 should be set to “0”, and SA Gauge Recovery Settings P2 should be set to “Standard”.

These settings may change based on your goals, explained in the Difficulty section below.


Completing each action gives 1 point. Try to get to 10 points without dying.

Points System


Difficulty Levels


Action #1

6MK (hold for a bit, hold until end) 2(1)4 end recording instantly

Action #2

8MP+HP 63214 end recording instantly

Action #3

6MP hidden quick [2/3LK (2)14] end instantly

Action #4

5MP hidden 5MP+MK (hold until end) 66(96) end

Action #5

FirstFrame 6HP+HK (hold the HP until end) hidden [1LP 1LP] (4) end

Action #6

5HP (hold for a bit but not until end) 9 2 (about 20f) end

Action #7

1 (about 30f, can be less) 1HK 236

Action #8

9, 2/3HK (hold a bit) 236 end


Still in progress