SethBot v1.0

Difficulty Advanced

Focus Confidence and Anti-Airing

The purpose of the bot is to help you to deal with a character whose toolkit's main objective is to avoid footsies and force the opponent into disadvantegous spacings. In order to fight such a toolkit, one needs confidence in both approaching and punishing. Without that, the Seth player is left with advantage both technically and mentally. Seth's high damage output relative to this means that without proper punishes the opponent will be able to defeat you quicker than you can keep up. Therefore SethBot is designed to present the more common 'set ups' at the beginner and intermediate level to help you learn both how to approach and fully punish the character's disadvantegous moves. Though the bot's Point Systems are generally based around punishes, players should try to do them and do a lot of damage, but not pressure or advance afterward. Seth has an invincible move to use both for recovery and at certain points in pressure, and in practice has more options against pressure. Therefore, SethBot's input timings focus on giving the player practice against the greatest amount of variation in Seth's tactics.

Additionally Seth has high manuverability and ways of altering jump arc making it difficult to anti-air while maintaining proper footing and punishes when focusing on the ground game. This makes Seth particularly useful in learning the intermediate level anti-air mindset required to keep your focus on both the ground game and air game at the same time while maintaining proper punishes and footing.

Gauge Settings

As with all bots, 1P Health should be set to "Normal". 1P CA Gauge and 1P V-Gauge should be set according to the player's character preference, aim to use the settings that will help best train the punishes/confirms you are aiming for, or force more awareness, as needed, but in this case we strongly suggest setting both to "Normal".

Settings for 2P are V-Skill 1, Health - "Auto-Recover", V-Gauge - "Maximum Start", CA Gauge - "Maximum Start", V-Trigger - "I" (choose V-Skill according to your concerns for the matchup, we recommend VS1 as default)


Completing each action gives 1 point. Try to get to 10 points without dying.

Points System

Difficulty Levels

Action #1

FirstFrame 4LP+HK (hold the LP until end), 698741236 end recording instantly

This input requires a bit more time spent on the '9' (up-forward) part of the input, and benefits greatly from a clean movement from 4 to 6. When it replays into itself, the optimal aim is to have Seth be able to do a well-timed jumping HK, but don't worry if the HK is a little early and whiffs, this tends to be different within the actual flow of the bot when all inputs are active. This input can be used to test others, but it will not do any specials on its own if input correctly. You can use the method described on our Glossary page to make this type of FirstFrame input easy, but this is an input that you need to be careful not to plink the attack buttons.

Action #2

FirstFrame 6KKK 963214 end recording instantly

Set a button for KKK and use the same technique from the Glossary page, this one should be quite fast from the 9 input to the 4, so that Seth does the aerial version of the kick at a relatively lower height most of the time when it plays into itself. Normally, Seth will alternate between repeatedly doing the grounded version of the spinning kick, and a jump to do the aerial one (not precisely alternating). In some inputs, Seth will be able to do one and jump-cancel combo into the other. This is the perfect form for most players.

Action #3

FirstFrame 1MP, hidden [1HP], 236MP hidden [5/6 HP+HK] end recording instantly


23MP, hidden [3HP (plinkable)], 236MP hidden [5/6 HP+HK] end recording instantly

This input's flow is natural for those who are used to crouching>236 (quarter circle forward) combos, but a bit strange if not. Use the same technique for the FirstFrame part. If your character is very aggressive with longer range Light or Medium buttons, the Variant may be better for this, since depending on how you input it, it can do Mad Cradle, but it may do it too much. If so, try using just a FirstFrame 3MP instead of aiming for 23MP, in some cases this works.

Action #4

FirstFrame 4LP+LK+MK, 5, hidden [4LP+LK+MK], 4/5MP+MK (can hold until end, not actually required to), end recording instantly

This input is tough for those who find it difficult not to plink things when pressing them like this, but in that case we suggest setting one button to LK+MK and using the LP button normally. Just set LP to which ever button you tend to press first in a Plink, since the only requirement really is that the LP itself be on the First Frame. For the second press, a plink is also ok, but still not preferred (it usually indicates that you did not press 4.4 fast enough to get a clean buffered backdash). Holding the MP+MK until end can help certain other inputs, especially the Variable one for Action #5, so use that as needed to create new opportunities for Mad Cradle or other moves without causing them to happen too often.

Action #5

2MK, hidden [2/3MP+MK] 63214 end recording instantly.


2MK hidden [3HP 2/3MP+MK] (6)3214 end recording instantly.

This input is the one you can change/modify if you need different behaviour from the bot. No parts of it are specifically important enough to be retained as they are, but starting with an MK helps keep a certain type of flow for Seth's jumps. The motion can be used to put in other inputs, for example any Punch inputs can be hidden in the 2MK, to go with the 3 input for more Mad Cradle, as listed in the Variant (we used HP because it also gives the sliding HP and H-Mad Cradle is strike invincible). We therefore gave an input type that gives the player the most options for putting in other things they want without compromising SethBot's already limited defense and blocking.


One of the secondary uses for this bot, when combined with alternating between the bot and the CPU, is to get you used to a certain kind of 'mindless mindfulness'. SethBot gives both the simplest and most complete form of practicing this state once you have practiced your antiairs/defenses and punishes enough to the point where you automatically execute them. Once you achieve it you have the freedom to watch for the opponent's intentions. Other bots focus on training this more directly or in certain types of stress situations, but the CPU, combined with the bot, help to train the flexibility portion of this type of thinking at its most basic as SethBot's toolkit allows Seth to ignore 'controlling' the situation through footsies, and the Seth CPU is usually decent at breaking your expectations after getting 'used' to the bot. This type of training is only recommended for players who can clear the easy goal system of SethBot consistently and at the least occasionally complete the intermediate goal system. It is not usually that helpful and can be quite frustrating for newer players to try and focus on this type of training as it largely relies on being able to do the antiairs and punishes without thinking in the first place.

To Be Continued...