KenBot v1.0

Difficulty Beginner

Focus Punishes and Pressure Responses

The intention of this bot is to help train your agility and punishes while under pressure.

KenBot will mimic the pressure of a bronze-level online Ken player, allowing you to learn and practice your anti-airs and optimal punishes for shoryukens and other moves in varied situations. You will experience varied meter levels, ranges and timings while under realistic opponent pressure.

There are a lot of inputs that are hidden in the animations or recovery of other moves, which come out if the bot gets interrupted or the actions get played on different timings. All inputs are specified in a "Perfect" and "Acceptable" form. They make the bot better, but if its too hard to put in the "Perfect" form, it's fine to just ignore it.

Gauge Settings

As with all bots, 1P Health should be set to "Normal". To practice the easy versions, leave 1P CA Gauge to "Auto-Recover", and 1P V-Gauge to also "Auto-Recover".

These settings may change based on your goals, explained in the Difficulty section below.

Settings for 2P are Health - "Auto-Recover", V-Gauge - "Auto-Recover", CA Gauge - "Auto Recover".


Completing each action gives 1 point. Try to get to 10 points without dying.

Points System


Difficulty Levels

Action #1

Record from far away.


236HP HP+HK 214LK, hold 9 until you jump, then hold 1. Stop recording at the peak of the jump.


236HP HP+HK 214LK, hold 9 until you jump. Stop recording at the peak of the jump.

What should come out is just a Hadoken into a jump. The HP+HK and 214LK should be hidden, in the recording. If the bot is up close, the V-Cancel should come out, but it doesn't matter if the tatsu actually does.

If the bot plays back Action 1 followed by 2 or 3, it should cause a jump in.

Action #2


214HK >> Hidden 4MK 5HP early in the animation >> hold 1 or 4 until near the end of tatsu hitting >> Hidden 1MK 1HP near the end of tatsu hitting or just as it knocks down >> MP+MK (not hidden)


214HK >> hold 1 or 4 until near end of tatsu hitting >> 1HP >> MP+MK (not hidden)

Don't worry about timing the 4MK/5HP or 1MK/1HP, you can just mash one into the other.

Action #3

Input this one from close enough to hit. Preferably minimum range.


5MK >> 6HK >> slight delay >> hidden 6HK >> LP+LK (not hidden, but don't mash!) >> 1HK 1LK (in quick succession, both hidden)


5MK >> 6HK >> slight delay >> hidden 6HK >> LP+LK (not hidden, but don't mash!)

When you replay this one alone, the throw should come out if the two kicks whiff, but no second HK should ever start. The timing can be a little tricky but shouldn't take too long to get.

Action #4

This is similar to #1. Input it from far away.


Dash in, throw (successfully), hidden HP Shoryuken, not-hidden MP+MK, stop recording just before the end of the run.

There's no perfect version of this, other than "don't mash the shoryuken".

Action #5

This is similar to #1. Input it from far away.


236HP 2+HP+HK 214LK, 8, 2, Stop recording at top of jump


236HP 2+HP+HK 214LK, 8, Stop recording at top of jump


Still in progress.